Appreciate the distinction of buyers looking for high G-block alginate - if only such distinction was possible with fucoidan which has a structure that is certainly more.... complicated. High throughput chemical analysis and metabolomic approaches will certainly enhance this bio-prospecting. The high value markets are really key for NA growers, with the bulk of material going to general lower value uses in agriculture but off-take is still a major challenge
That's a complicated topic for another time, I can't address that in a comment. But in brief, the whole reason why most people get involved recently in seaweeds is to improve the state of our ecosystems. If they succeed is another question that requires a longer answer.
Appreciate the distinction of buyers looking for high G-block alginate - if only such distinction was possible with fucoidan which has a structure that is certainly more.... complicated. High throughput chemical analysis and metabolomic approaches will certainly enhance this bio-prospecting. The high value markets are really key for NA growers, with the bulk of material going to general lower value uses in agriculture but off-take is still a major challenge
Thrilled that these posts are back! Thank you!!
Great article. Did any of the companies researched make any reference to local ecological consequences?
That's a complicated topic for another time, I can't address that in a comment. But in brief, the whole reason why most people get involved recently in seaweeds is to improve the state of our ecosystems. If they succeed is another question that requires a longer answer.